Have Your Say on the next Local Development Plan

Have Your Say on the next Local Development Plan

The topic paper consultation is open from Monday 8th July to Sunday 18th August.

The council has started work on the next Local Development Plan (LDP3) and it is anticipated that this will be approved in 2027, to cover the period between 2027 and 2037.  Local residents and businesses are now invited to have their say in this important piece of work that will shape the future development of Perth & Kinross.

A local development plan (LDP) is a document that sets out the policies and proposals for the future use of land and buildings in a local area. It shows how places should change and what they could be like in the future, addressing the needs and opportunities of the local community in relation to housing, the economy, community facilities and infrastructure, and the environment.

The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 introduced changes to the way in which Development Planning is carried out. This includes greater up-front engagement with communities and the introduction of Local Place Plans.

Evidence report preparation and topic papers consultation

The gathering of evidence is the first key stage in the preparation of the Plan. On completion, the Evidence Report will set out the council’s view on a wide range of matters related to the development and use of land in Perth and Kinross.

To inform the Evidence Report and to help establish the views of stakeholders on the evidence, PKC has prepared a range of topic papers covering various areas of evidence, and these are now published for consultation.

Have your say

The topic paper consultation is open from Monday 8th July to Sunday 18th August. To have your say, please view the topic papers and make a comment via the Consultation Hub

  • Confirm that you are broadly satisfied with the evidence presented; or
  • Identify any areas of evidence which you disagree with, or significant gaps in the evidence; and
  • Supply any relevant additional/alternative evidence for the Council’s consideration which you consider should be included in the Evidence Report.

Interested parties can comment on these papers and dispute the conclusions that arise. Any disputes that can’t be resolved will be referred to the Gatecheck examination. This is to make sure that the process is fair and transparent.

Phase 1 consultation – View details on the Consultation Hub

  • The Plan Area
  • Tackling the Climate & Nature Crises
  • Biodiversity & Natural Places (including Landscape)
  • Soils
  • Forestry, Woodland & Trees
  • Historic Assets & Places
  • Green Belts
  • Brownfield, Vacant and Derelict Land, and Empty Buildings
  • Coastal Development and Aquaculture
  • Energy, Heating and Cooling
  • Infrastructure
  • Design, Quality and Place
  • Local Living and 20 Minute Neighbourhoods
  • Homes
  • Blue and Green Infrastructure
  • Play, Recreation and Sport
  • Flood Risk and Water Management
  • Business and Industry
  • Retail, City, Town and Commercial Centres
  • Rural Development and Homes
  • Tourism
  • Culture and Creativity

Please note, Phase 2 consultation will come at a later date and will include Zero Waste, Health and Safety, Community Wealth Building and Minerals.

Please email [email protected] if you have any queries. Further information on the  Plan and how you can get involved is available on the Perth & Kinross website.

Details of the plan preparation timetable, and the engagement that Perth & Kinross Council will be conducting as part of the next Plan is provided in the Development Plan Scheme.

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