Financial and Business Services in Perth and Kinross

Financial and business services play a vital role within the economic structure of Perth and the wider region, combining international brand names with strong national businesses and smaller, more niche companies offering specialist expertise.

The sector’s local economic output is estimated at more than £135m annually, representing 7.1% of the area’s total economic output and accounting for more than 8,000 jobs – around 13% of the working age population.

Insurance is a particular strength, with multiple national insurers present in the city including Aviva, the UK’s largest insurer serving more than 31 million customers across 16 countries and employing 900 people in Perth and Kinross. Based in Perth since the formation of General Accident in 1885, today the HQ site at Pitheavlis is regarded as a centre of excellence in its UK operations.

The cluster of expertise in the insurance field, including a large brokerage and professional services sector, also includes national brands such as the GS Group, Fintech and Jelf; together these strengthen the area’s reputation in this sector, providing long-term opportunities for sustainable growth.

The Business Growth Team is interested in speaking to national and international brands seeking to take advantage of Perth’s competitive commercial rates and well-connected location to expand or relocate their operations in the UK marketplace.

THP Lsut 180524 Perth 2215 1

With hybrid working between home and office the new norm, and as the need to cut our corporate carbon footprint becomes increasingly urgent, the question surrounding the financial and environmental economies of a head office base has never been more pertinent.

Perth and Kinross offers multiple benefits when compared to its large city counterparts including value for money, connectivity, an exceptional quality of life, and nearby access to the country's talent pool.   

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