Shaping Perth’s Future as a Great Small City

Perth is taking bold and ambitious steps to solidify its future as a leading small city in Europe with the launch of the draft Perth City Development and Design Framework.
Perth City Drawing

Perth is taking bold and ambitious steps to solidify its future as a leading small city in Europe with the launch of the draft Perth City Development and Design Framework.

This strategic plan outlines the principles and guidelines for shaping urban development across the city centre and provides architects, planners, and developers with a cohesive roadmap for creating a sustainable and vibrant urban environment that enhances the city’s overall design, functionality, liveability and economic performance.

The objective at this stage is to gather public, business and stakeholder input on a range of development proposals and design principles that are central to the Perth 2040: Our Agenda for Change. Business and public input will help shape a revised City Centre Development & Design Framework, which will be presented to the council again in December for approval and phased development in the coming years. The ultimate aim is to have a series of ready-to-implement projects, ready for available public and private investment.

This initiative builds upon Perth's decade-long transformation, which began after it regained official city status in 2012. Since then, the city has seen significant progress, including the development of key cultural and infrastructure projects like the redevelopment of Perth City Hall into a new museum and the construction of the Cross Tay Link Road. However, more needs to be done to counter ongoing economic challenges and ensure the city remains a vibrant hub for residents, businesses, and tourists.

The draft Framework proposes several investment zones throughout the city, with plans for streetscape improvements, revitalisation of key properties, and public space enhancements. Significant proposals, dependant on funding, include the redevelopment of the Thimblerow car park into a mixed-use space, a radical reimagining of Perth’s railway station, and the transformation of the city’s harbour into a hub for leisure and community activities.

Perth’s journey towards becoming one of Europe’s great small cities will require careful planning and significant investment. Through public consultation and engagement, the council hopes to create a shared vision for a city that balances growth, culture, and sustainability—securing Perth’s place as a thriving urban centre for generations to come.

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